Update a Chatbot
This page helps you update a Chatbot.
Create API Guide
The Chatbot Creation API allows you to create a new chatbot by making a POST request to the /bots
Id of the chatbot
Request Headers
The API request must include the following headers:
x-api-key: <Your-Secret-Key>
- The secret key for authenticating the API request.
Request Body
The request body should contain the following parameters:
The name of the chatbot.
Array of featured products.
Array of products.
The email address for support.
The image of the chatbot.
The date the chatbot was modified.
Role of the chatbot.
Is the bot GPT-4?
Human support email
Request Body Example
201 Successful Response
422 Validation Error
Example Request
Error Handling
If there are any errors during the API request, appropriate HTTP status codes will be returned along with error messages in the response body. Make sure to handle these errors gracefully in your application.
That’s it! You should now be able to create a chatbot using the create API.